You are currently viewing 2024MFJ全日本ロードレース選手権シリーズ第7戦・スーパーバイクレース岡山国際


  • 投稿カテゴリー:RACE
レース概要 / Race Overview
日時 2024年9月28,29日
場所 岡山国際サーキット
天候 晴れ
観客数 土曜:2,050人
監督 加賀山就臣
ライダー #3 水野涼
リザルト <第1レース:6Lap(赤旗中断により2レース制)>
Date Sep. 28-29
Place Okayama International Circuit (3.703km)
Condition Dry
Number of spectators Saturday 2,050
Sunday 4,000
Team Manager Yukio Kagayama
Rider Ryo Mizuno
Result Qualify: 2nd
Race: 2nd
レース レポート / Race Report
DUCATI team KAGAYAMA 初めての岡山で2位表彰台!
全日本ロードレース第7戦「全日本スーパーバイクレースin 岡山」が開催された。岡山国際サーキットは全長が3.703kmと長くはないが、コースの前半は高速セクション、後半は低速セクションが組み合わされたテクニカルサーキット。DUCATI パニガーレV4Rにとって初めてのサーキットとなる。
DUCATI Team KAGAYAMA wins another podium at Okayama.
MFJ All Japan Championship R7 is held at Okayama International circuit which is quite a short circuit with the length of 3.703km but very technical with the combination of high speed sections in the first half part and the slow speed sections at the last half part.
It’s another first ever circuit for DUCATI Panigale V4R, and the team and the rider had struggled at the test which was done a week before but leaned a lot from it. Mizuno started the weekend with the positive feeling, and marked 1’30.394 at the second free practice session on Friday which was more than 3 seconds quicker compared to the lap time of the first practice session at the previous test, and be prepared for the knock-out qualify on Saturday which is the unique qualify style only at Okayama round through the season. At Q1, Mizuno qualified 3rd after having the hard battle with Okamoto (Yamaha) and Nozane (Honda). At Q2, Mizuno improved his lap time and marked 1’29.838 which was under the course record and wins the 2nd grid. He surprisingly improved 4 seconds between his first test session and the final qualify, and feeling positive improvements both for 1 fast lap time and the average lap times.
日曜日に行われた決勝レースは24周の長丁場、集中力とレースの組み立てが重要となる。3番手でオープニングラップを迎えた水野はストレートの速さを活かして4周目のバックストレートで野左根選手をかわして2番手に浮上。前を走る岡本選手を追う。しかし7周目にコース上にオイルが出たため赤旗中断となる。 約30分後、レース1の順位・2番グリッドで15周のレース2がスタート。水野は3番手でオープニングラップを通過する。2周目に予選タイムに迫る1'30"127のベストラップを刻むと4周目のシケインで野左根選手のインを刺して2番手に浮上。その後も1分30秒前半のラップタイムで岡本選手を追うがその差は縮まらず2位でチェッカーを受ける。初めてのサーキットだったがデータを収集しセットアップを詰めればコースレコードを更新するポテンシャルを証明した。次は最終戦鈴鹿。チームは有終の美を飾るべく準備に入った。
The race on Sunday is 24 laps long race which demands the riders to plan the strategy and to be fully focused through the race. Starting from 2nd grid position, Mizuno lost one position after the start, but he overtook Nozane and put his back position to 2nd at lap 4. He started to chase Okamoto who leads the race, but the race is red flagged due to the leaked oil from other bike on the track at lap 7. The race restarted with 15 laps after half an hour with the position after lap 6 at the 1st race which remains Mizuno starting from the same position. The second heat started similar to the first one and Mizuno again lost one position down after the start. He recorded his best lap time 1’30.127 at lap 2 and overtook Nozane at lap 4 and back to the 2nd position again. Mizuno kept the high pace, average of low 1.30’s, but was not able to reduce the gap between the reader Okamoto till the end, and finished the race with 2nd position, another brilliant podium for DUCATI Team KAGAYAMA. Although the team missed the victory, the whole team is proud with the big improvement during the weekend obtaining lots of important data for upcoming round at Suzuka at the end of October. DUCATI Team KAGAYAMA will fully prepare now for the last round of MFJ All Japan Championship for closing the season in the best way.
加賀山就臣 監督
Yukio Kagayama Team Manager
今大会もたくさんの皆様の応援・サポートをありがとうございました。みなさまのおかげで無事にゴールすることができました。岡山はDUCATI パニガーレV4Rにとって初めてのサーキットだったのでコースレイアウトやギアレシオなど解析のために必要な情報がゼロからのスタートでした。ですので事前テストはとても大変でした。最初は遅かったけど走る度にラップタイムが上がり、水野のフィーリングも上昇、マシンのセットアップも進んでいき、ライダーやチームスタッフの顔色がどんどんよくなっていくのを見てステップアップしているんだな、と実感しました。 データを収集することでマシンもライダーも進化する。この積み上げが非常に大切なんだと再認識させられた大会でした。

事前テストをやったおかげでレースウィークに入ってもバタバタせず進みました。予選では2番手でしたがコースレコードを更新することもできました。岡山は1レース制だったので決勝日に集中しました。結果は2位でしたが初めてのコースでもキチンと積み上げていけば結果を出せる、オートバイのセットアップの進め方を把握できたレースウィークでした。 決勝レースが赤旗で2レース制になりましたが、チームスタッフはこういうハプニングに対する準備はいつもできているので今回も慌てることなく正しくライダーをコースに送り出すことができました。

First of all, on behalf of DUCATI Team KAGAYAMA, I would like to thank you for all your support on us for this event. We were able to finish the race and win another podium thanks to all the supporters. As Okayama was another a first time ever circuit for Ducati Panigale V4R, it wasn’t easy to start from zero without having any data such as analyzing the gear ratio or finding the best chassi set up for adapting the track layout. As we struggled pretty much to be honest at the test, I was having a concern how the weekend goes but thanks to both the team and the rider who worked hard, we had made the huge improvements during the weekend, and we put everything ready to be able to battle at the race on Sunday. I recognized again the importance of the data analysis which can improve the rider’s performance if it works in the correct way. Thanks to having the pre test, we were more ready to start the weekend, and Mizuno improved a lot of his performance and finished 2nd at the qualify, marked the lap time under the course record. Although we were only able to finish it at the 2nd position at this race, I had a very positive feeling how we work for setting up the bike. I also thank to our mechanics for their great job for the preparation how they procced for unexpected red flagged pit in and restarted for the 2nd heat so smoothly. As we are racing just to win, we never be satisfied with the 2nd position, but we have 2 more races to go. Fortunately we had made many laps with Panigale V4R at Suzuka at Suzuka 8 Hours and this will surely help to start the positive weekend there. We proved at Motegi that we have the potential to win so that we will be prepared well and look forward to finish the season in the best way as possible!
Ryo Mizuno
先週のテストから今週に向けて車体を見直した結果、全セッションで改善することができたしアベレージもベストタイムも上げられました。コースレコードも越えられたので自分的にはやれることを尽くしたウィークでしたし、手応えもありました。 まだまだ詰めなくてはいけない点はありますが総じて今週はポジティブに捉えています。


After having struggled at the test, we looked back the data and changed the chassi setting and this had made me big improvements. I was able to improve my lap times at every session and I’m very happy to be able to mark the lap time under the course record. Of course I’m not happy not to be able to win the race, but I’m happy that I gave all I could do so there’s no regret. We still have a lot more to work for performing better, but I think we had a positive weekend overall. Both at the race 1 & 2, one of the cause of the defeat was the start. I think I had more advantage at Race 1, but we have less laps in race 2, it wasn’t enough to catch up the leader who had better pace than me. I never be happy with the 2nd position but happy to be back on the podium again where we should be all the time. I had tried to change my riding style a lot this weekend, and I’m quite happy that the data shows the positive feedback. At the next round which will be the last round of the season will be held at Suzuka where I had made so many laps at Suzuka 8 Hours with our bike, and this surely gives me more confidence. I’m still chasing for the championship so that my target is to close the season with the 2 consecutive victories there.