You are currently viewing 2024 FIM世界耐久選手権 「鈴鹿8時間耐久ロードレース第45回大会」

2024 FIM世界耐久選手権 「鈴鹿8時間耐久ロードレース第45回大会」

  • 投稿カテゴリー:RACE
レース概要 / Race Overview
日時 2024 年7月21日 決勝
場所 三重県 鈴鹿サーキット国際レーシングコース
天候 晴れ
観客数 金曜:7,000
監督 加賀山就臣
ゼッケン 2
ライダー 水野涼 /ジョシュ・ウォータース /ハフィス・シャリーン
リザルト 予選:2位
Date Jul. 17-21
Place Suzuka International circuit
Condition Dry
Number of spectators Friday 7,000
Saturday 19,000
Sunday 30,000
Team Manager Yukio Kagayama
Bike Number 2
Riders Ryo Mizuno / Josh Waters / Hafizh Syahrin
Result Qualify: 2nd (Ryo Mizuno / 2:05.615)
Race: 4th / 219 laps (Best lap of the race: Ryo Mizuno 2:07.282)
レース レポート / Race Report
第45回鈴鹿8時間耐久ロードレースは7月21日三重県鈴鹿サーキットで開催され、パニガーレV4Rファクトリーマシンで初参戦のDUCATI team KAGAYAMAは昨年の優勝ラップ数を超える219ラップを周回、見事8時間を完走し4位入賞を遂げました。
DUCAT Team KAGAYAMA and Panigale V4R finished historical Suzuka 8 Hours Endurance race “the 45th edition” at 4th place for the first ever challenge.
Team KAGAYAMA’s first ever challenge with Ducati Panigale V4R for Suzuka 8 Hours Endurance race kicked off under extremely hot and humid condition at historical Suzuka International circuit, and the extreme heat suffered not only riders but also the team crew which had given more difficulty to survive for 8 long hours without having major issues to complete the race.
「黒船襲来」の大本命である鈴鹿8耐、DUCATI team KAGAYAMAは全日本選手権第3戦を終え、耐久モードにシフト。パニガーレV4Rファクトリーマシンに改良を加え耐久仕様に仕上げ、テストから好調なタイムを記録。そしていよいよ初の鈴鹿8耐。

レースウィークの金曜日はライダーそれぞれの計時予選が行われ、1stライダーの水野涼が2,05.615 ,2ndライダーのジョシュ・ウォータースが2,07.479、3rdライダーのハフィス・シャリーンが2,05.936。上位2名のタイムにより総合2番手を記録。上位10チームだけで行われる翌日のトップ10トライアルに進出する。トップ10トライアルはメインのマシンではなくTカーでのタイム計測となったがチャンピオンのYAMAHAに迫るコンマ1秒差で2,05.248と2番手タイムを計測し、決勝の2番グリッドを獲得。
Despite running Panigale V4 R for the first time for the endurance race, DUCATI Team KAGAYAMA managed to complet 219 laps which are more laps than the last year’s winner had made and finished the race with 4th position.

Since the project had started with Ducati Corse under their support early this year, DUCATI Team KAGAYAMA had completed 3 events of All Japan Championship before Suzuka 8HRS, and the team had given the modification to this superbike specification bike to the endurance spec. together with the engineers of Ducati Corse. As this is the new experience to all, the modification and data analysis had been continued even till Sunday morning warm up session to get to be ready as much as possible for the race.

At the qualifying sessions on Friday, the average lap time of 3 riders (Mizuno 2:05.615, Josh 2:07.479 and Syharin 2:5.936) had brought them up to the 2nd position of overall and they’ve got the chance to challenge the TOP 10 Trial on Saturday afternoon. Due to the small technical issue of the main bike just before the session starts, both Mizuno and Syharin were force to go out to the track with the spare bike, but Mizuno scored 2:05.248 which was the second best lap time of all 20 riders and the team had got 2nd grid position for the race.

Race day on Sunday was the hottest day of the weekend after the rainy season is just over, and the temperature had raised up to 36°C already in the morning. The race started under this extreme heat at 11:30am which was obvious to give the difficulties to the riders to stay and focus on the track for 1 hour on the track without stop. EWC start is the Le Mans starting style and Mizuno who was starting rider reached to bike quite fast, but has struggled to started the engine. He lost a few positions and be forced to stay behind the group of riders but picked up a few positions and come back to start and finish line at the 7th position at his first lap. He recorded the best lap (2:7.282) on his 4th lap and keeping the high pace, and finally he overtook HRC and YART at 5th lap and lead the group. The hard battle of these 3 continued and Mizuno came in to the pit box after completing 25 laps for pit stop when he was in 2nd position.

The first time of refueling and the tyre change had done by the team to Ducati Panigale V4R, but due to the small technical issue, when Syharin went out next after spending some extra time on the pit lane, it was obvious that the team had lost a few positions. Although Syharin kept pushing hard through his session, overtaken a few riders again and came back to the box at Lap 51 with 4th position. Mizuno went out again, overtaken one other rider in front, being the podium contender finally and continued to Josh.

時刻は7時30分。惜しくも表彰台を逃す結果となったが、DUCATI team KAGAYAMAは短期間のうちにドゥカティパニガーレV4Rファクトリーを耐久マシンに仕立て上げ、初の耐久レースで大きなトラブルなく、決勝ベストラップを叩き出し、昨年の優勝ラップの216を超える219ラップでチェッカーを受け、ドゥカティ最高位の4位入賞の記録を達成。
The race was going on under extremely hard condition by the heat and high humidity and the lots of riders suffered by dehydration. As Mizuno was one of those victims after his second session by suffering the cramp all his body, the team needed to change the strategy concerning the safety and Syharin had taken responsibility to do the last 1.5 sessions until the end of the race. He came in to the box after completing 20 laps, refueling but not to change the tyres as the team was having the close battle with YOSHIMURA SERT for the 3rd position, but as Syharin also started to suffer dehydration in the end, he could not keep up the pace and allowed the competitor to overtake him.

At 19:30 “The 45th Coca-Cola Suzuka 8 Hours Endurance race” finished by celebrating iconic fire works with lots of different emotions by each riders, teams, and the spectators. Unfortunately the first year challenge of DUCATI Team KAGAYAMA with Ducati Panigale V4R missed the podium even it was close and kept fighting hard till the end, the team has to be satisfied with the job done in a limited time to make all the modification from superbike spec to endurance spec, uniting the team and completed 219 laps and recorded the fastest lap time in the race. DUCATI Team KAGAYAMA continues to work for upcoming All Japan Championship races to aim for the first ever victory of Ducati Panigale V4R in Japan.
加賀山就臣 監督
Yukio Kagayama Team Manager


The team had spent so much time for modifying the bike to the endurance spec by the huge support from Ducati Corse and also with the ideas of our past long experiences including the pit work but we were not able to make everything 100% ready by the race, and we had to face many small issues during the race. Due to this extra time for pit work finally sacrificed the riders performance and I would like to apologize for it. To be honest, we were not sure even if we are able to finish the race but we were at the position to fight for the podium so it’s really disappointing and frustrating. Although there’s no regret as we did all what we could do, and I believe that we were able to appeal our performance on the track even the first time experience of 8 long hours race. I would like to thank to all our riders to give all their best till the end and bring the bike back home even suffering by the severe dehydration. I had a feeling of causal relationship to have the battle of 3rd position between YOSHIMURA SERT where I was working for till last year.

I have to feel happy and honored to finish the race at 4th position concerning the circumstances as this never happened without the support and the huge effort of our riders, team, and Ducati Corse in Italy especially Mr. Paolo Ciabatti who flew over from Italy for us and supported us during the 1st test and the race. I would like to thank you to all including to all the sponsors, partners, Ducati dealers and fans for all your support and encouraging us. Our Suzuka 8 Hours 2025 had already kicked off now. We will definitely do the better preparation and come back stronger.
Ryo Mizuno

第1目標は完走だったので、それを達成出来たこと、バイクを壊さず、なにもトラブルがなく走りきれたこと、ドゥカティとしての8耐のデータを取れたことが今年の8耐の一番の収穫だと思います。 そして、この期間でこのバイクにしっかり乗り込んだことで全日本の後半戦に向けての発見が沢山ありました。まだ全日本のチャンピオンの可能性があるので、ドゥカティでの初優勝を目指します。
Of course it was disappointing as we had a chance to be on the podium but we had so much to learn through this race. I struggled to start the engine and this had brought me down the positions at the start, but I stayed quite relaxed as I was confident to catch them up. The only unexpected thing was the heat and dehydration. As it was expected to race under this kind of condition and I already had experienced before, I did the training more than ever to get to be ready but the condition was really exceptional and I’m regretting that I was not able to recover for the next stint within the 30-40 min. interval by the hard cramp of all my body. I cannot say that I’m happy with the 4th position but this is the best what we could do and we gave all what we had. Our goal was to complete the race, not to crash and destroy the bike and we did them all, and the biggest reward is how much we learned from this race. Myself learned a lot as well as a rider through this long distance race and discovered many tips for upcoming races. We are still the rookie but I will reflect all what I learned here to upcoming races and focus to bring the first victory to the team and Ducati as early as possible.
Josh Waters
Awesome weekend for the team and for myself even we lost the podium. Me and Yukio has known each other such a long time as he was my first team mate of Suzuka 8 Hours race, and I feel destiny that we joined again together after a long time, but as a rider and the team manager this time. Since the first day that the whole team had joined, I already felt like I came back to my family even there were some people whom I’ve never met and the team atmosphere was special. It was a big challenge for everyone how we are able to manage to complete this long and hard race without experiences of Ducati Panigale V4R to do the endurance race, but the team had done a great job. I really enjoyed the time shared with the team and especially my wonderful team mates, they were fast and so performed. I would like to thank to Yukio and DUCATI Team KAGAYAMA and of course Ducati Corse for all your support on us. I would like to come back again next year!
Hafizh Syharin
I feel sorry for the team as I destroyed the chance to win the podium since I was not able to keep my speed at the last few laps due to the dehydration. I tried to follow YOSHIMURA SERT but it was impossible. Although we did well overall concerning that it was our first time to race with Ducati Panigale V4R and I admire how hard the team had worked to prepare for this special event. Honestly I have nothing to complain except missing the podium at the last minutes, we share really a wonderful time together, worked hard together, and learned a lot for future. I already had a experience to race with Yukio so I knew the team, and I really feel comfortable to work with them again. Ryo and Josh were the best team mates for me, and I appreciate them for their great job. I leave Japan with a bit bitter feeling so that would like to make the revenge next year. Thanks to Team Kagayama to trust me and to have me in your team and thank to all the fans for your big support on us!